Power tab provides access to StellarMate Pro power dashboard and environmental sensor measurements. The top half of the dashboard controls the DC, PWM, and variable voltage outputs, while the bottom half includes measurements, settings, and sensor widgets.

Power tab provides access to StellarMate Pro power dashboard and environmental sensor measurements. The top half of the dashboard controls the DC, PWM, and variable voltage outputs, while the bottom half includes measurements, settings, and sensor widgets.

The following controls are available:

  1. Toggle the power to each output. This setting is remembered on the next power cycle.
  2. Assign a unique name to each output.
  3. Measurement of the output voltage or current.
  4. Set dew heater duty cycle from 0% to 100%
  5. Set variable voltage level (3 to 9 VDC)
  6. Voltage, Current, and Power measurements.
  7. Power Off all ports when equipment profile is disconnected.
  8. Toggle Auto Dew. This feature requires an external environmental temperature & humidity sensor to calculate the dew point. If toggled, then the dew heater shall be turned on if the ambient temperature is within the dew point threshold as indicated in the settings.
  9. Toggle All the unit LEDs on or off. This is remembered on the next power cycle.
  10. Toggle buzzer
  11. GPS Lock indicator
    1. Yellow: GPS lock in progress.
    2. Green: GPS 3D lock successful.
    3. Red: GPS lock failed.