For experienced users who already own a Raspberry Pi 4 or 5 unit, StellarMate OS is a complete software package ready for deployment on your Raspberry Pi. It is provided as a compressed OS Image file (.img.xz) that you can burn to an SD card and fire it up immediately to enjoy the full benefit of StellarMate software stack. The following packages are included in addition to the base OS:
A 3A+ 5v power supply for Raspberry PI 4 and 5A+ 5v power supply for Raspberry PI 5 is required in order to properly operate StellarMate OS on Raspberry Pi 4/5. Using anything less than specified amperage would result in system instablities and possible corruption. Invest in a reputable power supply before you boot StellarMate OS.
After your purchase, you will receieve a link in the email to download the file. Since the file size is ~3.1 GB, it is highly recommended to use a dedicated download manager to download the file. After you download the file appropiate for your Raspberry Pi version, you can verify its integrity by computing its hash. Use Quick Hash GUI to verify the integrity of the image file. There are two files available for download:
If you need to download StellarMate OS again in the future, make sure you are logged in to the stellarmate.com website and then go to the Orders page. You should see a list of your orders. Click on your order link, then scroll down to see the downloads. Make sure to download the SM OS version appropiate for your hardware platform.
Raspberry PI Imager is a graphical SD card writing tool that works on Mac OS, Linux and Windows, and is the easiest option for most users. It supports writing images directly from the zip file, without any unzipping required. To flash SM OS image:
Do not customize any settings using using Raspberry PI imager. Flash the image as-is without making any changes to the image otherwise it may fail to start.
image.Once the image is burned to the card, insert the microSD card into Raspberry PI 4 and power it up.
Note: StellarMate can take up to 2 minutes before switching to HotSpot mode on first startup. By default, StellarMate runs on 5 Ghz WiFi. Your phone/tablet must support 5Ghz WiFi in order to connect to StellarMate. It is possible to configure StellarMate to run on 2.4Ghz afterwards, but it is not recommended.
StellarMate is a verstile OS that supports multiple methods to control it.
For new users, using StellarMate effectively can take a bit of a learning curve (like everything else) especially given the breadth of the features if provides. Here are some useful resources to get your started:
We are proud to offer top-notch support for our customers. Please make sure to checkout first the Frequently Asked Questions and First Time Setup. To report any issues with StellarMate or Ekos, please submit a ticket and our support team should get back to you as soon as possible. Please make sure to submit the relevant logs to aid in diagnosting and resolving the issue efficiently.
Stellarmate OS for Raspberry Pi4 has made my Astrophotography very very easy and cozy. I live in Toronto where the temperatures get down to minus degrees in centigrade, but just due to Stellarmate OS, I don't need to run any cable between my home and backyard telescope (my rig is completely wireless), and can also take full rest at night with fully automated setup. Once you read and understand the manual, its very easy to setup, and can start with AP right away. I highly recommend it to anyone.PINAK OZA
Best Astronomy Software ever - I love it.
I was unable to capture and save any images with my Canon DSLR and was about to throw in the towel. I remember even sending James a direct message complaining about it. I decided as a last resort to start with a completely clean installation and take the time to SLOWLY go through the instructions from Jasem. Lo and behold, StellarmateOS responded exactly as I was hoping and I was able to take good test photos from the warmth of my car and even use the live stacking feature. There are more features that I need time to explore and learn to use like the planner but I will get there in time. TIP: If you need to update Stellarmate app on your device, you will probably need to update StellarmateOS too, otherwise you will only be able to control the device using VNC'ing to the device and using Kstars/Ekos on the RaspberryPi desktop. There IS a learning curve. You need to extremely patient. Once you are past this it works great! Thank you Jasem for persevering in the development of StellarmateOS.Mark Mckenzie
Working now with SM OS v.1.7.3 combined with Raspberry Pi 4 - 8GBram, connected to ZWO ASI cam and Skywatcher AZGTi Goto-mount, to do EAA - Electronically Assisted Astronomy observations.
Very disappointed! Months of struggling and hundreds of hours meaningless work, trying to get the system working right, without any satisfying result.
The main goal is to enjoy celestial observation using Stellarmate in combination with telescope and Goto mount ... and not struggling with software full of bugs and an operating system that often fails.
Problems with upgrading, with the stability of the wifi connection, difficult working ios app with bugs and functions that are often not working (auto detection of the connected devices ...).
No proper tutorials how to solve all this problems. The list of unsatisfied users on the Cloudy Night forum is growing and it confirms that this product is still not ready to use in an appropriate way.
Sad I paid for something that doesn't work.
I will look now for a more professional solution that does the job as promised.
Claude Bataillie
Been running version 1.61, flawless for my use. I am doing spectroscopy with a LISA spectragraph on a C11, Losmandy G11, wireless via VNC through my network. Able to control everything with Stellarmate. Looking forward to using the latest version. Better than ascom, live INDI much better.John Wetmore
Hallo, ich habe auf 1.6.0 aktualisiert und hab seit dem nur noch Probleme. Bekomme nur noch Meldungen das alle Verbindungen chrashen. Nutze als Verbindung die AsiZwo 120 und 290,und als Teleskop nutze ich die AZ-Gti mit der Eq-Mount Verbindung
Torsten Haucke
I Just installed Stellarmate OS today on my RPi4 - I gave it a test run for connectivity and everything started right up and all drivers were working. SO far my setup includes the following: EQMOD, Canon DSLR, ZWO ASI EAF and ZWO CCD(guiding w/ 120mm Mini). Everything has worked as intended. I found it easiest to use a screen sharing program. Everything was a little bit slower, but not by much. Focusing maybe took an extra 3 or 4 seconds to download the image and capturing an image in the capture module maybe took an extra 2 or 3 seconds. However for focusing, binning is going to be an option. Nothing was laggy or too slow. It worked perfect and I am so excited to use this in the future.
Daniel DeSclafani
FIVE STARS! With this software I can control my Meade Maksutov Telescope MC 127/1900 StarNavigator NG 125 Mak AZ GoTo remotely! It only needs a serial Adapter cable from Raspberry Pi (4) to Handbox. With KSTARS, I can not only steer the telescope - when the guide is active, object tracking even works, which is also displayed in KSTARS. Thanks to INDI! Many thanks also to the Support. The possibilities are literally limitless!acenthyl
What an amazing piece of software!
Once I had updated the firmware in my hand controller and got the network addresses right connections were made without a hitch and testing the software indoors it worked just as it should.
If there is a gripe it is that on closing Kstars I see that there are pop up boxes which popped up but didn't appear on top of Kstars. Not that that matters too much as the information comes up in the Ekos server logs in any case.
One oddity I have noticed is that occasionally parking my HEQ5 pro and the mount will slew past the park position and park itself 180 degrees away in the exact opposite position. Probably something I have got wrong somewhere along the line.
If you looking for software to control your Astrophotography gear then this will certainly do the job and is a considerable step up from Stellarium or sky Safari. or using multiple packages as I have been doing. Best of all it works on a Mac.
All that said of course I have to test it under the stars and see how things like plate solving work for me. For now though I am very impressed with what this package will do.
I would probably give it 4 stars because its a slick tool that can work well. Mount control for go-to and polar alignment and plate solving work well but internal guiding not so much - could use more control to PHD2 - such as launching it. I have the first release but I've been following Kstars/INDI development for 6-8 months and there are still bugs to be ironed out. In spite of that, I've decided to make stellarmate my main tool for astrophotography.Greg Beaton