Cannot connect to DSLR camera? Resolved

The following is a list of checks you need to verify before contacting support regarding DSLR connectivity issues:

  • Make sure the camera battery is full.
  • Make sure there is enough space on your SD card.
  • Make sure the camera is set to Bulb/Manual mode. In some models you need to rotate the dial first to Manual then change the setttings to make it Bulb.
  • Turn off any power-saving features in the camera that might be making the camera go to sleep mode without your knowledge. Some cameras support inactivity timer, try to set it to 10 or 15 minutes to be on the safe side.
  • Try a different USB cable.
  • Try plugging the camera to a different USB port on StellarMate.

If none of the above works out, please submit a support ticket with details on your setup.


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