Connection to serial devices fail with a message that another driver is using the port? Resolved

This may happen when more than one INDI driver is trying to open the same serial port leading to a deadlock. When a new equipment profile is first started, and there are more than one serial port detected on the system, then the Port Selector window should popup up (on both Ekos and StellarMate App). In this step, you need to select the appropiate serial port for each device. Once done, press Connect All. Skipping this step would cause all drivers to trying establishing communication by iterating over all detedted serial port, and this may lead to a deadlock as indicated before.

There are two approaches to resolve this issue:

  • In Ekos, edit your Equipment Profile and make sure Port Selector is checked and save the profile.
  • In StellarMate App, delete and re-create the equipment profile.

Next time you start the profile, the Port Selector should come up again.


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